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Understanding Cows

Curious like us.

A blog site about cows.

Stay ahead in the herd

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nice to moo you!

I’m so glad you’ve arrived. Understanding Cows is where I share with you my knowledge and stories about cows.  I hope you enjoy my site and all of the unique content I create.  I'm Owen, I'm a veterinary consultant in UK and I've worked with and lived with cows all my life, here and around the World. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover new things about cows. Are you ready to get curious?


love cows

cows make us human

Through this Blog, I'd like to explore why cows are important to civilisation, to environmental sustainability and simply being human on this planet. Yet also answer some important questions about cows in today's World - how we keep them, what we do to them, the truth about their burps, their wants and needs.

Free Range Cows

let's shake hooves

You can keep in touch with me here. That might because you have a question about cows yourself. Or because you are interested in working with me, or the training I offer (in which case you could always go to my business page)

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