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about Owen

I guess you've read a bit about why I'm writing this Blog already.


It's not really important to know much about me, but if you're really curious to know more, that's OK. There's lots of different ways I could introduce myself - usually I simply say my name is Owen, and leave it at that. Sometimes I'm asked for a proper "bio", because my work requires it. So I'm happy to share that with you here, and because you might want to connect with me professionally too. There's a link below if you do.


So here's the official bit, with letters and all:


Owen Atkinson BVSc DCHP PGCert (Change Leadership) NSch MRCVS

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons recognised Specialist in Cattle Health and Production.


I graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1994. After working in clinical dairy practice for 19 years and gaining RCVS Specialist status I founded Dairy Veterinary Consultancy in 2013, through which I provide advice and training for all types of dairy farming and veterinary businesses with a focus on leading effective change. I was awarded a Nuffield Travel Scholarship (2010) to develop consultancy within the dairy veterinary sector. I subsequently developed the UK's national lameness management initiative for dairy farms (Heathy Feet Programme) and Dairy UK's MilkSure programme, for more responsible use of veterinary medicines and avoiding medicine residues in milk. I am an assessor for the National Association of Cattle Foot Trimmers and co-authored the well regarded textbook, Bovine Surgery and Lameness.


My research interests include the diagnosis and prevalence of sub-acute rumen acidosis and other rumen health disorders; the health and welfare of calves and behavioural characteristics of housed herds.


In 2022, I was awarded a Post Graduate Certificate in Change Leadership from Aberystwyth University. As an experienced trainer, facilitator and mentor, I am as comfortable working with teams of people as I am with cows. I am experienced in working with hot climate dairy herds, as well as European dairy businesses of all scales and systems (housed; grass fed; block calving; voluntary milking systems; organic; high input... nothing like variety!).


My professional goal is to improve the lives of cows and the people who look after them.


Outside work, I'm lucky enough to have three fantastic children, a wonderful supportive wife, a perfectly indifferent cat and a feisty border terrier called Mabel.

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